

知道有川島老師的課程, 一開始並沒有把它排入我的行程. 直到江老師大力推薦及說明才想說去瞭解一下. 拿到講義的時候, 發現是拼貼與彩繪的結合. 這讓我非常的興奮與期待

上課時, 老師的"川島流"派畫風像極了壓花的作品, 而且使用了很新的手法. 讓我得到不少的啓發. 真是感謝江老師的推薦呢.


 報名請洽 0921980327.

2 則留言:

川島詠子 提到...

Thank you !
Do you remember me?
I'm eiko kawashima!
I found the photo of me on your blog.
It's very nice .
Taiwan is very exciting country for me . and people there is very kind.
Thank you for everything !

lumpy 彩繪世界 提到...

Thanks, dear Kawashima.

It's also an exciting experience for learning with you.

I wish I could have chance to see you teaching tole in Taiwan soon ^_^